Transcription Services

SYSMAN's Medical Transcription Service gives you the confidence that your patients' records will be accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

We strive to maintain 100% accuracy, but never less than 98.5% demanded by the AMMT and comply with the security concerns of HIPAA (128 bit encryption).

We not only give you the confidence that your records will be complete, accurate, and on time, we also strictly adhere to HIPAA standards and maintain confidentiality of you patient's health information. With our encrypted file transmission using our digital dictation system or phone system, you won't need to worry about who knows what about whom.

For an audit trail, we give you a daily report with patient's name, file name, date of service, and the number of lines transcribed.

With so much at stake, you want the confidence that your transcription is correct and the knowledge that it is confidential. We put our guarantee on both.







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